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Glory Tips Serum

More than just a serum: Glory tips offers heat protection, shine and smoothness for breathtaking hair.

Sale price38,00 € (76,00 € /100ml)

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Do you want to take care of your hair and like to smooth? Then the glory tips is your new favorite product!

With our weightless microcinetic formulation, you protect your hair from heat up to 360 ° C and at the same time convert it into smooth and shiny dream hair.
Our glory tips seal your hair and make it smooth without it becoming greasy. Your hair shines when you use it for the first time and shines in new splendor.

Glory Tips Serum - genuine haircare
Glory Tips Serum Sale price38,00 €

Glory Tips Serum

Ultimate care and protection booster: The Glory Tips Haarserum with 360 degrees heat protection and microcinetic formula

Do you love to style your hair and at the same time value intensive care and protection against heat? Discover the glory tips hair serum, which gives your hair new shine and suppleness and protects it from damage.

The glory tips hair serum is the perfect solution for everyone who regularly smoothes your hair or styles with other heat tools. Thanks to our innovative microcinetic formulation, the serum protects your hair from heat up to 360 ° C, while at the same time it provides you with moisture and makes you smooth and shiny.

Protect and maintain your hair with the Glory Tips Haarerum and experience silky-soft, shiny hair that is ready for every style.

The targeted supply of the hair inside with moisture and nutrients ensures that the hair is not only protected, but also regenerated and strengthened. The glory tips hair serum thus conjures up a breathtaking, silky shine and makes your hair pleasantly soft and flexible.

Since the formulation of the Glory Tips serum is weightless and fat -free, it is ideal for daily use and is ideal for all hair types and structures.

Application of the Glory Tips Hair Serum:

Put a small amount of the serum into the palm and distribute evenly.
Gently incorporate the serum into the hair lengths and tips.
Styling the hair as usual without washing the serum.

The ingredients of the Glory Tips Hair Serum are carefully selected and combined to achieve optimal results. Say goodbye to the ultimate heat protection and intensive care in a single product!

Customer Reviews

Based on 136 reviews
Toller Duft

Ich liebe den Duft und das Ergebnis des Serums

Astrid Hastedt

Super Produkt

silke schloss
Nie wieder ohne 🙏

Super geniales Produkt, kein strisseligen Spitzen mehr, einfach Supet!

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