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My Secret Quicky Mask

Time is scarce, but care is essential: with My Secret Quicky Mask, your hair gets intensive care in just 60 seconds.

Sale price30,00 € (30,00 € /100ml)

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The My Secret Quicky Mask is like a blessing for your hair, especially when your time is scarce. It donates moisture in just 60 seconds and provides your hair with all the nutrients it takes.

The high -quality grain protein strengthens the hair from the inside and prevents damage such as split or hair breakage. The result is a hair that is full of power, shine and suppleness and can grow nicely. A short application, but healthy hair for a lifetime.

My Secret Quicky Mask - genuine haircare
My Secret Quicky Mask Sale price30,00 €

Customer Reviews

Based on 80 reviews
Beste Maske ever

Ich bin nicht der Typ für langwierige Haarpflegerituale- die Maske ist schnell erledigt und gibt meinem kurzen blonden Haar genug Feuchtigkeit und Pflege- ein wunderbares Produkt- trotz des nicht gerade niedrigen Preises bei mir immer vorrätig!

Yanthe Weinschenk
Schneller Erfolg

Nach nur wenigen Anwendungen sieht man das Ergebnis. Das Haar fühlt sich geschmeidiger an und lässt es glänzen. Toll, dass die Anwendung eine kurze Angelegenheit ist. Besser als jede Spülung und sparsam im Verbrauch! Klare Kaufempfehlung!


Super Maske, ich nehme hin und wieder mal einen Minikleks als leave in für meine sehr trockene lockigen Spitzen

My Secret Quicky Mask

Fast and nourishing care for healthy hair: My Secret Quicky Mask with 60 seconds exposure time

The My Secret Quicky Mask is the ideal care mask for everyone who has little time or no desire to linger long in the shower, but still want to enjoy healthy and well -kept hair. In just 60 seconds, this hair mask gives your hair moisture and supplies it with all the necessary nutrients.

The high -quality grain protein contained strengthens the hair from the inside and prevents damage such as split or hair breakage. The result is a hair full of power, shine and smoothness that can grow healthy. A short application for long -lasting healthy hair.

The My Secret Quicky Mask is designed for all hair types, colors and lengths and is therefore suitable for anyone who wants healthy hair quickly and easily.

This hair mask maintains the hair in just 60 seconds thanks to its valuable ingredients. The high -quality grain protein strengthens the hair from the inside, prevents hair breaking, regenerates damaged hair and regulates the moisture balance of hair and scalp.

The mask also calms the scalp and has an anti -inflammatory effect. It gives the hair power, shine and ensures easy combing. The mask is set to a skin-friendly pH.

Treat your hair a quick and effective care with the My Secret Quicky Mask and experience healthy, radiant hair in just 60 seconds.

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