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Wet & Shine Shampoo 250 ml

The Wet & Shine Shampoo: luxury, moisture and care in one. Moringa oil and wheat protein ensure a revitalized, radiant feeling of hair.

Sale price22,00 € (8,80 € /100ml)

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Say hello to your new hair rescuer: The Wet & Shine Shampoo!

It is a real miracle cure for dry, thirsty scalp and hair, thanks to the high-quality Moringa oil that donates a lot of moisture. It also fills up the protein memory of your hair with the wheat protein it contains, which contributes to strengthening the elasticity and strength. A real all -rounder for stressed hair that urgently need moisture!

Wet & Shine Shampoo 250 ml - genuine haircare
Wet & Shine Shampoo 250 ml Sale price22,00 €

Wet & Shine Shampoo

Wheat protein protects skin and hair from loss of moisture

The Wet & Shine Shampoo offers you sun protection against free radicals and prevents damage caused by foat heat as well as chlorine and salt water. Keratrix, a restorative active ingredient from the Johannisbrotbaum, is specially designed for weakened hair. Rich in amino acids, it increases strength, elasticity and improves the structure of the dry, damaged hair. It also regenerates damage caused by thermal and chemical treatments.

The Wet & Shine Shampoo is suitable for everyone who has particularly dry hair. It is intensive care for need for care and hungry hair. Treat your hair the moisture and care that it deserves and experience the advantages of the Wet & Shine Intensive care shampoos!

Customer Reviews

Based on 64 reviews
Heidemarie Kelz
Feines Haar

Gutes Gefühl nach der Anwendung!

Astrid Hastedt

Auf Anhieb gut zurecht gekommen

Das beste Shampoo für mich

Ich habe lange nach einem Shampoo gesucht, dass meinen krausen Haaren Struktur gibt und meine trockene Kopfhaut beruhigt. Dieses verwende ich nun schon ein halbes Jahr und es ist sehr ergiebig (200ml). Auf Vorrat nun das große bestellt. Ich bin total begeistert, es tut was es soll, duftet gut und schäumt ordentlich trotz kleiner Menge. Ich verwende kein anderes mehr. Wie schön, dass ich im Urlaub in diesem Geschäft gelandet bin!

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